dyson-salon-safety dyson-salon-safety

In a post-pandemic world, we find ourselves pondering many a question that ordinarily wouldn’t have occurred when interacting with our clients. 

Questions such as… How do we ensure face masks are worn without product marking them? What to do when our client is mumbling throughout a consultation, and interpreting when it’s difficult to make out their requests?

Perhaps most importantly of all, however? How we ensure that the utmost care is taken into ensuring hygienic practices in salon remain at the highest possible level so as to provide peace of mind to our clients who may be a little nervous returning to your chair after the past two pandemic-ridden years?

Unsurprisingly, the technological pioneers at Dyson have been busy addressing your concerns regarding hygiene and safety specifically as they relate to the salon environment. With stylists and salon owners breathing in up to 9,000 litres of air every day, the quality of this environment is hugely important in keeping both staff and clients safe. 

 Dyson’s purification technology is engineered to tackle everything from larger pollutants such as hair, make-up and pollen to gases including VOCs from hairspray and airborne styling and cleaning products. Their purifiers promise to capture 99.95% of particles as small as 0.1 microns in addition to bacteria, and trap them within a sealed HEPA-13 filter.

“Since returning from lockdown, we have been inundated with bookings through to next year,” says Dyson styling ambassador and industry superstar Renya Xydis. “Our clients are looking for more than just their hair cut and styled though – they’re excited to come back in the salon for the experience.

“Having Dyson purifiers in the salon gives the team and our clients the confidence knowing that they help to clean the air throughout the day, without us having to do anything.”

Another chief in-salon concern for stylists as we return to a more normal life once again? Hand hygiene. 

By disregarding drying between basin-based tasks such as shampooing, treatments, colour and rinsing, stylists are at risk of contributing to cross-transference of bacteria. Innovations such as the Dyson AirbladeTM technology is one way to ensure hands are dried hygienically and quickly, particularly in shared salon washrooms. 

“We know damp hands can transfer up to 1,000 times more bacteria than dry hands, while wiping hands on clothes can jeopardise the hand washing process, as they can add bacteria to the washed hands if they are not clean,” explains Dr Salome Giao, Dyson Senior Microbiologist and Scientist. 

With many more considerations constantly arising in this return to salon life, the list of questions one must ask themselves to ensure they are providing the safest possible environment for both their staff and clients is ever-growing. Luckily, Dyson are on hand to ensure that we’ve got the most cutting-edge of technologies to make that transition a little more seamless.