As human spirit is unleashed across the globe, we celebrate the shade symbiotic of fire, energy, passion and adventure – primal life forces that stir something in us all. It’s time to paint it red.

Billie (Look 1 LHS): Koleston Perfect
Koleston Perfect: 50g 77/44 + 2g 0/65 + 52ml of Welloxon Perfect 6%
Toner: ColorFresh Create 60g Next Red + 20g High Magenta
Lydia (Look 2 LHS): Illumina Glossing
Illumina: 10g 7/43 + 10g 9/43 + 20ml Welloxon Perfect 1.9% + 20g Invigo Post Service
Celia (Look 1 RHS): Colortouch
Colortouch: 15g 8/43 + 15g 8/3 + 5g 7/7 + 70ml Welloxon Perfect 1.9%
Billie: OPI Nature Strong Achieve Grapeness
Lydia: OPI Nature Strong All Heal Queen Mother Earth
Celia: OPI Nature Strong Simply Radishing