Exciting things are in the pipeline for Wella Professionals and it’s not everyday they give you access to some of their top colourists. We’re bringing you everything you need to know about what’s next for the brand while introducing you to some amazing talent. Welcoming the second colourist to the stage: Christine Rowe.
TJ: How do you like to spend your days off?
CR: With my family, my partner Tim and my son Elias and our next addition is on its way.
TJ: If you weren’t a hairdresser, what career path would you take?
CR: I would be a photographer. I love taking photos. When I was at school I missed so many classes because I was always in the dark room developing my photos.
TJ: Describe your signature style (fashion and hair).
CR: I change my look all the time. I’ve always been like that and I’m starting to realise I always will. At the moment it’s very Mia Farrow/Rosemary’s Baby (with the pregnant belly to boot!).
TJ: If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or visit the future?
CR: I’d go back in time. There are so many different periods of time I’d have loved to be around for. For the fashion, the music and the events that were going on.
TJ: If you could only hear one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
CR: This Must Be The Place by Talking Heads. It never ever tires for me!
TJ: Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
CR: What I love about my career is that it has taken me places that I never imagined so I hope that continues. I also hope to see my family expand even more.
TJ: Can you tell us about how you first got into hairdressing?
CR: All I knew when I finished school was that I didn’t want to sit behind a desk and that I wanted to use my hands, then I walked past Valonz and there was a sign saying apprentices needed and that was it. I was in love and 20 years later I still get to walk through Valonz’s door, which has never ceased to hold my attention and my heart.
TJ: What is your favourite thing about the hair industry?
CR: How it’s constantly changing. You never know everything. You’re always learning new techniques, new products, and new styles. It’s so refreshing and never dull and stagnant.
TJ: Tell us about one of your career highlights.
CR: The opportunity I had to go to London to assist the incredible Nicola Clarke and also to LA with the insanely talented Tracey Cunningham. Both woman I learnt so much from and not just how to colour hair. Both of these women are such strong, honest women and they are such a massive part of who I am today.
TJ: What is your favourite style to create?
CR: I love making hair look natural but with a striking element to it. Effortless but with a strong sense of beauty.
TJ: If you could facilitate one change in the hair industry, what would it be?
CR: That as colourists we are magicians and because you see something in a picture it means you can have anything you want with your colour.
TJ: If you could leave our audience with one piece of advice, what would it be?
CR: Never stop learning and have fun while your doing it!
TJ: Name your favourite WELLA product and why.
CR: Wella Illumina – the whole colour range. It is the most stunning colour result I’ve ever worked with.
TJ: What is your favourite thing about the brand?
CR: It’s innovative. They understand what colourists are doing in the salon on a day-to-day basis and then they work on tools to help create an even better result.
TJ: Why do you choose to identify with WELLA professionals?
CR: because the results are so beautiful. Rich and luxurious. And they also leave the hair feeling amazing.
TJ: What is the most popular WELLA product and why?
CR: I think it would be Blondor. It gives the gutsiest lift and cleanest results. It’s also a brilliant texture to work with.
TJ: What does being a WELLA Professional Colour Ambassador mean to you?
CR: To be involved with a company on this level. To see how things are done from that perspective not just from the salon side. To be a part of new things and to be able to meet so many amazing people.
TJ: What’s next for the brand?
CR: Lots! I can’t talk about it but it is very very exciting so stay tuned.