On Sunday 11th June, a crowd of Keune’s finest envoys flocked to Sydney’s Star Event Centre, for the highly anticipated ‘Day with Keune’ 2017. Featuring a dazzling lineup of local and international guests and ambassadors, this high octane showcase saw a series of trend-savvy hair looks dynamically demonstrated across a screen capped stage.

First to address the crowd was Hans van der Velden (President of Keune ANZIS) who heartfully welcomed guests, before proceeding to announce the Keune ArtSeries Trophy Finalists and Winners for 2017. Taking out both the Journal’s Choice Award and the 2017 Keune ArtSeries Trophy in the Senior Category was Joanne Banks of HairArt W.A; “This prestigious award will elevate my business and my personal growth within the Keune world and the industry as a whole. I look at life, my experiences and emotions for inspiration in my work.”

Keune ArtSeries Trophy Senior Category Winner + Journal’s Choice Award Recipient Joanne Banks

Taking out the 2017 Keune ArtSeries Trophy in the Apprentice Category was Lauren Govier, of Gentiles Hairdressers S.A; “I am so grateful to have been given this opportunity let alone becoming a finalist – it means more than I can say.” said Lauren. “I love being part of the Keune family and if the rest of my working life makes me as happy as it does now then I’ve already achieved the ultimate goal.”

Keune ArtSeries Trophy Apprentice Category Winner Lauren Govier
After the crowning of each respective winner, guests were graced with a presentation of regal proportions, namely ‘The Royal Majesty’ showcase. Curated by Maria ‘Cathy’ Goretti Sukasti and the Christopher Salon Group, this presentation took guests on a colourful trip through the tapestry of Indonesia, complete with alcove-inspired headpieces, artfully engineered up-dos and a dizzying display of majestic costumes.
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The Royal Majesty
Following suit, Keune Ambassadors Roberto Tarla (Keune ANZ Creative Director) and Sam Rizzo (Keune Artistic Ambassador) would present ‘Beyond True Beauty’; styling a series of ultra mod hair looks before the observing crowd. Introducing Keune’s Street Salon – the brand’s newest Global Inspiration portal and app – Roberto mused, “It’s about bringing us altogether as hairdressers, and sharing our inspiration. It’s great to be able to see what’s happening in different countries.”
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Beyond True Beauty: Roberto Tarla & Sam Rizzo
Celebrity colourist and Brazilian Keune Ambassador Tiago Aprigio next showcased his Spotlighting technique of highlighting (bombshell waves anyone?), before Keune’s Global Creative Artistic Director, Ilham Mestour and Queen of Colour Marriet Gakes (Keune’s Global Creative Master of Colour) demonstrated both a series of high fashion creations and wearable hair looks respectively.
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Beyond True Beauty: Tiago Aprigio, Ilham Mestour & Marriet Gakes

After a brief intermission, Sam Han (Hong Kong based Hairstylist) and Daniel Yap (Keune Creative Artistic Ambassador for Australia and New Zealand), alongside the Inspired Gear and Tao of Hair Teams would take to the stage for their electric ‘Kozo’ collaboration; which featured a playful string of Harajuku dancers, a series of brilliant braids interwoven with jaw dropping accoutrements, and who could forget – a life sized panda bear.

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Completing the inspired schedule were Spanish headliners X-Presion Creativos – Jorge Cancer, Marco Antonio Restrepo and Jose Luis Almendral – who demonstrated their internet breaking pixel colour technique before showcasing their ‘Disruptive’ vision of creativity for both the hair and art worlds.

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X-presion Creativos

The Day with Keune closed with Keune’s Annual Foundation Ball, which benefits the the families of children who have been diagnosed with a life threatening illness. This year, the event was held at The Argyle, Sydney, and boasted a costume-worthy Tokyo Neon Disco theme. “Now in it’s 13th year, The Keune Foundation Ball has grown into a large, colourful, exciting event that brings together both Keune’s charitable work and it’s wider Keune family of stylists and colourists for an evening of fun and fashion.” – Keune

Check out our Exclusive Interview with Joanne Banks and Lauren Govier in Issue 3 of The Journal Mag, out soon!

For more information visit


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