Recently reconnected and re-aligned with the prestigious British Fellowship of Hairdressing, M Division have proudly re-launched the official FAME Team Australia.
In total support and endorsement of the re-launch, current President of the British Fellowship Errol Douglas OBE made the following statement:
“The spirit of FAME is about identifying new talent. It is a programme that looks to cultivate young hairdressers through a 360-degree approach to creative and technical education and training. With a clear focus on supporting this philosophy, The British Fellowship is proud to support M.Division in the re-launch of the Official Fame Team Australia and we look forward to working closely with the team in the future.”
As part of the re-launch Leesa Smith, (Beehive Creative & AHC Youth Worx Mentor) has been engaged as the official FAME Team Australia Mentor for the 12-month programme.
Says Leesa “Young people are the fuel of our industry’s future. Throughout my career I have had the great fortune to coach and mentor some incredible talented young people, it is a role I take very seriously and one, which I find wholly enriching. I am really excited about working with the team here and in the UK to seek out our ‘bright young things’ of the future”
Highlights this year include:
Participation in-group and individual mentoring sessions, with local and international leaders in education, business and artistic fields
Australian Mentors include: Benni Tognini, Craig Smith, Dennis Langford, Matt Clements, Jayne Wild, Richard Kavanagh, Shane Henning, Sharon Blain, Tracey Hughes and current AHFA Australian Hairdressing of the Year Frank Apostolopoulos.
An exclusive opportunity to present on Mainstage throughout Hair Expo 2014.
A multiple city overseas trip, which will include participation in an editorial, fashion shoot for publication
An intimate mentoring session with world-class artist and definitive icon Angelo Seminara