We get the best results when we show our team that we’re just like them, and that we make mistakes too. It’s not the mistakes that define you as a person, it’s how you own up to them, learn from them, and make a change. That’s what defines you.

Nik Goutziotis, ENA Hair Co-Owner

Seasoned salon owners, Evangelitsa Dimitriou, Nik and Amelia Goutziotis opened ENA Hair, Cheltenham Victoria, in 2018 and with the desire for a more collaborative approach to business. An Ozdare concept salon, the ENA team has since doubled its headcount – a prospering culture choosing transparency over authoritarian. Nik talks challenges, education and new management skills. 

TJ: How long has ENA been in operation?

ENA: ENA Hair opened in December (2018) and we have since grown into a team of six in that time – four qualified hairdressers and two apprentices.

TJ: What has been your biggest challenge faced as a small business owner and how did you overcome this?

ENA: All three partners have been in business for a while and for our second salon, wanted it to be more collaborative. As experienced salon owners we’re faced with constant challenges  – most involving the management of people – but over the years have found ways to improve our managerial skill sets, tapping into the strengths of each employee for great results.

TJ: You are an Ozdare concept salon. What drove your decision to move into this level of partnership?

ENA: Ozdare has always offered the best product portfolio and supporting education curriculum. These two things together have proved very beneficial to our business. We’ve worked with KEVIN.MURPHY products for close to 15 years and are continually happy with the performance of the range. ELEVEN Australia was another great introduction and fits well into our business model.

TJ: How does the Ozdare model – its supporting personnel and product portfolio – drive the ENA business?

ENA: Being salon owners/managers we need to be skilled in business management/marketing and for this, Ozdare is the ultimate support. One look at the company’s product portfolio (and in particular home grown brands) and they’re expert approach to modern marketing is evident. From quality POS imagery, digital presence and unique education offerings, they’re a force we definitely want on our side. Further to this, the Ozdare culture and people defining it are integral to our business – our relationship with local reps has definitely aided the smooth running of our business.

TJ: What’s the biggest business building service and/or product in your salon?

ENA: All Ozdare product offerings are amazing and have generated excellent revenue over the years. We’ve also welcomed great results upon attending their business courses. Learning to build better business culture has resulted in a very loyal clientele and team. These tools have given us the skill and confidence to open multiple salons.

TJ: The most rewarding thing about owning a small business is…?

ENA: Seeing the team grow! We’ve always hired based on attitude and feel very proud when we can take a positive approach, add education, culture and opportunities, and watch a successful hairdressing career grow.

TJ: What are your focus areas – goals – for 2019 and your strategy to meet them?

ENA: To make ENA Hair the best salon in Bayside. All business partners are strongly committed and each specialise in different areas. We have plans to double the team again by 2020. Our strategy is to maintain consistency in all areas of service and experience.

TJ: Where do you see your business in 5 years?

ENA: In 5 years the business will be highly profitable with a large team driving it.

TJ: Words of advice for those considering launching their own salon?

ENA: Keep learning – that is the key!

TJ: The greatest misconception(s) around running a small business?

ENA:The more money the salon earns the more profit you will make. Really important not to be misled by this. Find the sweet spot in your business.

TJ: The greatest misconception(s) around managing a team

ENA: That vulnerability shows weakness as a boss. We get the best results when we show our team that we’re just like them, and make mistakes too. It’s not the mistakes that define you as a person, it’s how you own up to them, learn from them, and make a change. That’s what defines you.

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