Rocking and Rolling with American Crew


American Crew get their Elvis on at the annual Elvis Presley festival in Parkes.

The annual Elvis festivities that happen each January in rural NSW town Parkes, got some extra grooming glamour when American Crew rolled into town last Thursday. The four-day festival paid tribute to classic Elvis tunes and plenty of his signature hair looks. American Crew made their presence know at the festival with a beautiful bespoke trade stand showcasing all of the American Crew products that feature The King himself.


Revlon’s Cristobal De La Rubia said that, “the attention to the stand was overwhelming, with plenty of punters taking advantage of the American Crew limited edition Elvis packs.”American Crew is the perfect brand to align with this rock and roll icon, as just like their products, Elvis’s signature looks are classically cool and transcend all eras; notably with the huge resurgence to polished men’s barbering and pompadour fades. The Parkes festival attracted over 25,000 punters, celebrating it’s 25th year with a Viva Las Vegas theme!

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2017 is set to be one of the biggest years in American Crew history with the All Star Challenge happening in Melbourne on the 26th March and some exciting new launches across the year. Keep your eyes peeled for big things from the crew at CREW.

– TJ