51 shades and three signature fragrance blends for a multisensory hair color experience.
Set amongst the exotic surrounds of Sydney’s Botanical Gardens’ CALYX Glasshouse, Revlon Professional Australia welcomed 130 guests to celebrate the recent launch of Color Sublime by Revlonissimo.
Symbiotic of a big year ahead for Revlon Professional Australia (and following the recent appointment of General Manager, Brad Raper), the launch embodied the ammonia-free, sensory aspect of the new color line.
Presenting an extensive 51 shades and three signature fragrance blends, Sunset Mood, Zen and Sweet Gourmet, Color Sublime is set to refresh the colour experience for both the professional and discerning client.
The patented Color-Enhancing Oil System was proved with three live colour models on show – shifting levels of brunette and one vibrant copper model owning the circular inside-outside runway before Revlon Professional Ambasador and all round dream girl, Mal Masci invited guests to get up close and personal and “smell the models hair … they won’t mind.”
Mal extended her direct experience with Color Sublime, referencing hero salon Mal Masci Eltham, Victoria, and its 60% of clientele who ask for ammonia free colour.
“The new Color Sublime range is not only ammonia free, it can also be personalized with custom scented oils so the client can enjoy softer, natural scents rather than the oxidisation of colour and gases,” she said.
Guests further explored the colour aromas via a customized scent cart, sipping champagne and enjoying the GIF booth for a sweet memory of this game changing launch.
Imagery by Scott & Co.