Pastel Pink for a Good Cause

If you’re toying with the idea of jumping on board one of the biggest trends of the season, pink hair, then there is no better time to take the plunge, especially if you’re a humanitarian at heart. Since 1st July this year, label.m has been raising funds for the McGrath Foundation by donating $5 from the sale of every label.m Powder Pink Hairspray to the McGrath Foundation. As an official partner to the Foundation, label.m works to provide Australian women experiencing breast cancer with access to specialist care and support through McGrath Breast Care Nurses.

The McGrath Foundation’s mission is to raise money to fund McGrath Breast Care Nurses in communities right across Australia, with the majority of the current 100 funded nurses in rural and regional communities. The Foundation also aims to increase breast awareness in young Australians, with a particular emphasis on young women.

“The awareness and support of this organization is paramount if Australian women are to gain access to the very specialist care that they need. Our participation in the raising of these funds will hopefully play a part in helping to provide more families affected by breast cancer with support via McGrath Breast Care Nurses,” says Graham Langford, General Manager of label.m.

To learn more about the McGrath Foundation, make a donation directly or find other ways in which you can help the McGrath Foundation achieve their fundraising goals such as hosting an event or becoming a volunteer head to


