AHFA Business of the Year Finalist, PALOMA salon presents a renewed sense of ‘self’ in 2021. A whole new palette and empowered perspective to make you feel, see and believe in your own value.

“The chaos of 2020 has proved a moment of reckoning, reflection and growth for so many, including PALOMA,” starts salon owner and founder, Paloma Rose Garcia.

“COVID allowed me a minute to consider all aspects of the business and so much came to the surface … PALOMA turns three this year and she’s grown up a lot, just as the world has changed around her.”

For Paloma (the woman and the brand) living in a progressive space is non-negotiable. The pair have proved major influencers on the fight for climate change and have raised awareness for too many charities to count. PALOMA will forever be an extension of its creator, and lady Garcia believes it’s cool to care.

To care about yourself and importantly the treatment of others, and the PALOMA rebrand carries this at its core.

“PALOMA is wholeheartedly inclusive, a nurturing space where clients come to calm and connect.”

You will no longer find the dusty pink palette front of place, rather a rich mahogany brown welcoming everyone and anyone to check their ego at the door, sit back, relax and cast no judgement.

This shift in pricing is about equality, yes, but it’s also about our value as hairdressers, and that’s one thing COVID really drove home for me. I have always been a proud hairdresser but I know some who feel otherwise, and I think the fact we were deemed an ‘essential service’ really underscores our influence on society

Paloma Rose-Garcia, PALOMA Salon

“With so much movement and development around gender and inclusivity, I didn’t want to bring those (pink related) gender connotations into the business … it was a real penny drop moment for me actually,” she says.

Further to this, all services are no longer gender affiliated. The time allocated to each cut and style is the same. No special treatment, just beautiful, always suitable hair designed to spark joy in the heart and mind of its wearer.

“This shift in pricing is about equality, yes, but it’s also about our value as hairdressers, and that’s one thing COVID really drove home for me. I have always been a proud hairdresser but I know some who feel otherwise, and I think the fact we were deemed an ‘essential service’ really underscores our influence on society,” starts Paloma.

“Not only for general maintenance and aesthetic, but to a human’s self-expression, connection, their confidence and the way they interact with the world.”

“When restrictions were in full swing a salon visit wasn’t about looking great for an event or ‘date night,’ it was about engaging with ‘self’ – and that’s exactly what this business is here to promote – in its staff, clientele and wider community …  I feel the 2021 rebrand has enabled us this pleasure more than ever,” says Paloma.

And of course, PALOMA’s philanthropic journey continues, forever onward.

“This year we’ll be working with women’s shelters and other unique organisations to really campaign this culture through the business. Clients will also be invited to donate $1 dollar at checkout (a value the business will match every time).”

The current PALOMA menu will soon be no more. Clients relax, all the usual wellness-orientated treats remain (cue: Beauty Chef collagen boost, local organic prosecco and teas). The change will come in the format. No longer printed, a digital menu will spring to life with a comprehensive list of refreshments, services, hair how to’s and relatable articles for your causal perusal.

It’s always a delight to visit PALOMA. You get this feeling of purpose; that you’re part of something much more than another 12-week colour update. You feel like you’re making a positive choice. For your hair, your body, the people and planet around you. Nothing is trend based here, just suitable. And there is much to be said for suitability … cool, classic and forever chic. The PALOMA way.

Follow @paloma_salon | @palomarosegarcia