Apprentices! Win one of Three Chances To Be Published Worldwide


If you are an apprentice with a smoking hot photo collection, send it to Hair Shots 2 The World to be in the running to win one of three international PR releases to magazines around the world. Hair Shots 2 The World manages the publication of hundreds of hair fashion images in trade and consumer magazines, web sites and apps around the world to build hairdressers’ profiles and portfolios.

“Every year we offer Star Spot Opportunities to talented hairdressers looking for opportunity around Australia and New Zealand, and this year we wish to salute the talents of brilliant apprentices,” head of Hair Shots 2 The World, Leanne Cutler said.

In 2015, Hair Shots 2 The World secured 67 magazine covers and over 2,000 image publications including some for previous Star Spot winners. The competition is open to all Australian and New Zealand apprentices or for apprentice shoots completed in the last two years (so if you’ve just qualified, you can still enter). Past Star Spot winners may enter two years after their win.

Email with your details to enter (Name, level of apprenticeship / date qualified, salon, address, email, and mobile) and she will email back with brief instructions and an upload link.

Deadline: Wednesday, 6 April at 5pm

Finalist Announced on Facebook /hairshots2theworld: Tuesday 12 April

Winners Announced on Facebook: Thursday 14 April

Find out more about us online, Facebook and @hairshots2theworld

– TJ