There can be little doubt that, as an industry, we have some serious heart. With so many initiatives educating and inspiring hairdressers across a cross-section of different issues, the passion that we have to do our part in improving our world – be it socially or environmentally – is truly unique.
Sydney recently played host to Paloma Rose Garcia’s ‘A Brush with Climate’, an educational evening outlining the immediacy of our climate crisis and how we as hairdressers can do our part in educating our clients.
“A Brush with Climate is a concept I’ve been working on for a long time and in collaboration with friend and environmentalist, Anna Rose,” says Paloma, of what inspired the event. “My climate journey started a few years ago, and part of this was coming to the realisation that we as hairdressers have an amazing opportunity to hold conversation with our guests; gently sharing information to make a change.”
After an incredibly informative evening, filled with both theory and practical exercises, we spoke with Paloma to further discuss her journey as an activist and how you can begin making change from your salon floor.
TJM: Can you explain where the concept for ‘A Brush with Climate’ came from?
PRG: It came from my personal journey with climate change and finding my voice as a hairdresser. Once I was fully educated on the current issues around our climate, I found a great opportunity to hold conversations with guests around it. TJM: Have you always been passionate about the environment and spreading awareness around climate change? PRG: It really started four years ago after I was invited on a five day climate focused trip to Heron Island where I was educated by all the top scientists, authors and industry leaders. TJM: How can we as hairdressers make a difference in the salon? PRG: We have so much opportunity! If I think about my closest circle of friends and their professions, as hairdressers we really have that chance to hold meaningful conversation with clients and easily lead into this important topic. TJM: What are your top tips for bringing climate change up with clients? PRG: There are so many different ways to start seeding it into your conversation with clients! Some examples can include discussing the weather, bringing up holidays and connected interruptions due to weather, news events such as floods or fires, talking through the sustainability efforts made within your salon or any personal changes you have made in your life and your success. TJM: If there’s one thing you wish more people knew about climate change, what would it be? PRG: That all the solutions are right in front of us! Whether it’s renewable energy, ensuring that you bank with ethical banks or minimising your animal produce intake, everyone can make small meaning changes in their daily lives to make impactful change for Mother Earth. |
“We as hairdressers have an amazing opportunity to hold conversation with our guests, gently sharing information to make a change.”