Sunday 4th of September saw the highly anticipated launch of Maria Unali’s new space, Salon Kiin. Previously running under the name of S.81 Hair in St. Clair Shopping Centre, the 2015 F.A.M.E Team Inductee’s venture has re-opened its doors at Sydney’s Penrith High Street.
“Welcome to Salon Kiin – Founded in 1981, Salon Kiin is a space to unwind, to inspire, to connect. We make effortless hair easy and accessible for real people by real people. To each other, we are kin. After 35 years we have grown up a little, our aspirations have evolved and our style has changed. As dedicated image makers, we know that with evolution comes a desire to present a little differently, and so we placed our aspirations in the hands of the incredibly talented We Are Triibe team and have built a new look, and new space, for you all to enjoy.”
– TJ